
GA-2.A QA Plan Sample

An updated example of a Quality Assurance Plan that aligns with the 8th Edition BPS.

Sample Job Descriptions (Spanish)

Job Descriptions for HFA key roles: Program Manager, Supervisor, Family Support Specialist and Family Resource Specialist, along with minimum selection criteria required in the HFA Best Practice Standards.

Sample Job Descriptions (English)

Job Descriptions for HFA key roles: Program Manager, Supervisor, Family Support Specialist and Family Resource Specialist, along with minimum selection criteria required in the HFA Best Practice Standards.

Guide to GA-7.A

This Guide covers what sites need to know about required data.

HFAST User Manual

Healthy Families America Site Tracker (HFAST) can be accessed anywhere there is a secure connection to the internet. It is recommended that Internet Explorer 11 or a more recent version be used in accessing HFAST. Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 8 (and older versions of Internet Explorer), which has led to the exclusion of IE8’s access to many secure sites, including HFAST. It is recommended that if you have Windows XP you should use Firefox or Google Chrome to access HFAST.

HFAST for Peers

As a peer team, you’ll need to work together to finalize the SVR in HFAST.

Level Change Tool Guidance (Spanish)

The HFA Level Change forms allow HFA sites to report how many parents are making positive progress as a result of their participation in the HFA program.