Success Story spotlight: Meet Sarah

October 18, 2017

Kids do not come with an instruction manual, and every now and then parents need a little help learning how to deal with the challenges that come with parenthood. Healthy Families America helps strengthen thousands of families nationwide every year, giving parents the tools and resources they need to create healthy, nurturing environments for their kids.

We have seen countless success stories from our work with children and their parents.  Our programs have helped promote healthy child development, allowed families to become more self-sufficient, and given parents the confidence and support to be the best parents they can be.

One such story is that of Sarah:

“When my fiancé and I first found out we were expecting, we were excited but were also a little nervous and scared, since parenting is such a huge responsibility.  We first heard about Healthy Families America while we were in the hospital.  We were a little skeptical at first, but realized we could use all of the help we could get. 

My fiancé and I didn’t have a very good background growing up.  I wanted a different relationship with my daughter than the one my parents had with me.

In those first few visits, Dawn (our family specialist) helped us think about what our wishes were for Kaylynn and we were able to think about the values that are important to us as a family.  She provided us with a lot of support and encouragement.  We didn’t really have a lot of that, so to have someone offer us that support and be our cheerleader for the last three years has been a really amazing experience.”